Yes my faithful followers - if any are still around - it has been a while. Life got in the way of my blog. My daughter graduated from HS a full year early and went off to college. I volunteered with our local High School band as Band Mom - Uniform Queen - Bandaid carrier, etc. And my youngest son graduated from HS.
Yes, life got in the way of keeping this up. In the mean time, I have decided to take crochet back up and really learn how to attempt this yarn craft. I tried in my childhood, that was a disaster. I tried before the age of the internet video tutorial, that was a disaster. Now I am really 'attempting' via a great site called The Crochet Crowd (and their youtube tutorials), pinterest, and ravelry.
The picture at the top of all this is of a cap and scarf that I finished just trying to learn new techniques and learning to read patterns.
To anyone still with me - thanks. Hope to remember I have this floating out there in web space and keep it updated more.
Oh - and the hat and scarf were created using Caron Simply Soft White and the patterns were found on